Monitor, Verify and Trust.
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Copious Melbourne, New Yourk
Monday to Saturday
Copious Melbourne, New Yourk
Monday to Saturday
We started with a simple idea.
DP Diagnostics LLC was established in 2009 and is an Intellectual Property (IP) based company that develops cutting edge state of the art flow metering technologies. It is an industry pioneer developing various new technologies and methodologies, such as the first comprehensive Differential Pressure Meter validation system, “Prognosis™”, a novel mass flow meter and saturated steam flow meter ‘CoVor Meter’, and a dedicated flow meter data validation and reconciliation system to reduce the flowrate prediction uncertainty ‘Oculus™’.
The DP Diagnostics Differential Pressure Meter Validation System (Prognosis™) Intellectual Property is applicable to DP Flow Meters such as Orifice, Cone, Venturi, Nozzle and Wedge Meters. Prognosis utilizes a 3rd downstream pressure tap and one or two DP transmitters. Based on axial pressure profile analysis, Prognosis facilitates the adoption of efficient Condition Based Maintenance ‘CBM’ over the traditional ‘Routine Scheduled Maintenance’ when required. Prognosis shows and offers guidance for problems as they occur, in real-time as they develop. Prognosis reduces the number of unnecessary inspections, saving maintenance costs, making technicians work more efficiently, and reducing unnecessary exposure to hazardous systems.
DP Diagnostics developed the ‘CoVor’ Meter in conjunction with Vortek Instruments. The CoVor Meter is a patented compact hybrid Cone and Vortex DP Meter design. The incorporation of the two independent technologies produces a metering system that meters a single-phase flow’s mass flow, volume flow, and fluid density. No fluid density input is required making the CoVor meter a true mass flow meter. The Cone and Vortex Meters can be used as independent systems thereby allowing system redundancy. The patented saturated steam CoVor Meter cross references the Cone and Vortex DP Meters thereby supplying enough information to meter which includes both the steam quality and mass flowrate
DP Meters with a 3rd downstream pressure taps and one or two additional DP transmitters read more information. Hence, in principle, such a DP Meter is more capable than a standard DP Meter design. ‘Oculus’ is the patented method that expertly extracts that extra information. This Intellectual Property, developed by DP Diagnostics in partnership with Accord ESL, is the application of general Data Validation and Reconciliation (DVR) techniques specifically to a DP metering system. Cross-referencing the three DP readings three flow rate predictions, three DP ratios, and DP summation with known physical law constraints and statistical analysis produces a DP meter with significantly lower flowrate prediction uncertainty than a standard DP Meter.
Head of Innovation
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